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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Crossing the Threshhold

For the better part of a week now, the Church body has been praying for a manifestation of the miraculous in our midst. We, by His Grace, have tried to maintain an unbroken prayer chain of 12 hours of prayers a day, from 12 midnight to 12 noon daily.

 While praying one of those mornings, God laid some things on my heart, which I felt I needed to share with the Body.

How can we hope to cross the threshold – move from the physical to the spiritual and miraculous  realm without FAITH?  Without faith, it  is impossible to please God and fundamentally, we cannot escape the fact that the Just shall, [and must] live by faith.  [Hebrews 10:38]].

Where  does that leave us? Let us look at the definition of faith is in the scriptures. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” [Hebrews 11:1]  Faith is the bridge with which you can cross from the physical to the spiritual realm; the realm of the miraculous.

To experience the miraculous, to step over the threshold of the physical into the realm of the miraculous, you must synchronise your heartbeat with the heartbeat of God. You must act on blind faith like Peter did when in a raging storm on a dark night, he took (what on the physical realm would be) a suicidal step; he stepped into the sea.  For  a brief and blind  moment in time he acted by faith. He synchronised his heartbeat with the heartbeat of his master Jesus; for one brief moment in time, faith operated in him to such a level that he took the plunge into nothingness… regardless.. because he had his eyes riveted on Jesus. [ Mathew 14: 29].

For you to step into the realm of the miraculous, there must exist a synchronicity between thought, word and action. It is our thought [processes], our thinking that becomes pregnant and bears the fruit of the word.  It is when you sow the word  and act based on these seed-words that the miraculous will manifest in the physical. In the Holy Trinity, the son does nothing outside of what he sees the father do. There is unity. No divisions between the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. For the miraculous to manifest, there must be  unity between thought, word and action. As a man thinks, so he is.

How did Peter connect so perfectly with the Master that he could take the plunge into a bottomless, raging sea  on a dark stormy night. Imagine the scenario; re-enact it in your mind – this was a stark, raving mad decision to take. But Peter connected with the master; at that moment, he crossed the threshold into the miraculous. What would have been considered the action of  a lunatic in the physical realm  became a miracle.

I said earlier that,  to experience the miraculous, to step over the threshold of the physical into the realm of the miraculous, you must synchronise your heartbeat with the heartbeat of God. What is the heartbeat of God? His heartbeat is his will, his desire, his purpose. You must become God’s love, His confidant. He must develop confidence in you to reveal his innermost thoughts to you. Then you will have connected with God as Peter did with Jesus and you can move from operating in the physical to operations in the spiritual and miraculous realm. When you synchronise with the heartbeat of God, connect with God, then you will “prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2B)

Are you ready to take the plunge? Don’t take  a dive into the ocean at Bar Beach. Start with the little everyday things and build on your faith in the Lord.

Arit Oku,  January 26, 2006

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