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Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Greatest Time Traveller of all Time

I was a bit bored a week ago... Maybe, not so bored as tired. The last two years have been mega challenging. I feel sometimes as though the world around me is an oyster shell where I am totally alone and enclosed.  Like John the Baptist, I feel like a lone voice crying in the wilderness. I am not a lonely person. Being alone in my space allows me to experience God in more unique and spectacular ways.

I wonder why that in such an interconnected world, with billions of cyberspace-savvy individuals glued almost permanently to email, facebook, twitter and a host of others, interpersonal relationships have cracked down the middle. The 21st century human finds it almost impossible to nurture relationships around him or her but has millions of friends in cyberspace. Divorce rates even in the so called conservative African context  have shot through the roof. 

Many smartly dressed and upwardly mobile persons, wielding mobile phones of all shapes and sizes - BBs, Ipads - possess hearts that have suffered a serious condition of  atrophy. So many out there crave the human touch - eye contact that says, "stranger, though I have never met you but  as long as you're God's creation, I care"; a gentle touch on the shoulder; a smile...our fingers are so adept on laptops and iPads but lack the sensitivity to touch hearts and lives. We are poor in the heart business while our bank accounts continue to swell in dollars and Euros like  busted septic tanks spewing their filthy waste all around.

Dear reader, I digress. I set off to write about my visit to the bookshelf but my heart is very heavy tonight. I must write to stay alive.

So there I was, standing in front of a bookshelf overcrowded with books I am dying to read or re-read. The refrain that runs around  my brain these days is: "I am too busy to read; too tired to read; I have to work hard for the money".

I digress again. So sorry. So, there I am in front of the bookshelf. I survey the vast titles - women empowerment, Christian literature, English literature, English Syntax, history  - I lovingly caress my favourite books - Wuthering HeightsCrime and Punishment... I wonder how such a gentle and peaceful woman could be enraptured by such tempestuous works. Could it be that I have fires burning that may erupt some day under standard temperature and pressure? Who knows!

Dear Reader, I am digressing  yet again. Perhaps you should put a rein on my thoughts..."I live because I write" or is it that 'I write because I live?'

So, there I am in front of the bookshelf. Some books are so mildewed...I skip them - Girls at War; I wonder how  Achebe ever came up with such a title. My fingers glide over other books - public relations,  corporate sustainability, my friend's work about Edo history. I sigh, I think of friends that touch one's life at a point in time and then disappear down the road; they disappear like vapour from  life's teapot or life's pot of  egusi soup. This is why I started thinking of the time traveller.

While still ruminating on whether to read Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind again, I spot this paperback publication in an attractive orange and white colour. Though very frayed at the edges, I nevertheless stand on tip-toe and stretch to pick it out of the rows and rows of neatly stacked books. I mutter under my breath,  "there is a time for everything under the sun". How come that in all these years, I do not remember ever reading H.G. Well's Selected Short Stories?

I reverently flip over the initial pages. Aha, there it is; my name and the city and date where and when I purchased the book – Calabar:  It brings back strong emotions and memories. The date reads 8th of May 2002. Is it a coincidence that I am writing this piece in May, nine years down the road?

I turn more pages and the Time Machine is the first chapter I come across. I wonder, 'did the writer of the movie,  The Time Traveller's Wife' receive his inspiration from Mr. Well's short story?

Intrigued,  I make a cup of tea and lay down on my bed with the title I have finally selected. Ready to travel through time and space in the pages of the book.

"...space, as our Mathematicians have it, is spoken of as having three dimensions, which one may call Length, Breadth and Thickness, and is always definable by reference to three planes, each at right angles to the others", observes the Time Traveler who is the chief protagonist of this strange tale.

He continues, "...why three dimensions particularly - why not another direction at right angles to the other three". Pursuing the same train of thought he argues, " there is no difference between Time and any of the three dimensions of Space except that our consciousness moves along it". Following on this argument, the Time Traveler invents a Time Machine that can take its passenger back and forth in time; sometimes at giddying speeds of one year per second.  

This ability to accelerate into the future and  and to go back into the historical domain reminded me of one of my most cherished Bible verses.  It states that God Almighty knows the end from the beginning. He can move with fluidity from the foundations of the earth (when chaos existed and the three- in-one Godhead held a conference on  the status of the earth and decidedly intoned, "Let there be...” and the awesome creation story was put into motion...And the invisible became visible. The invisible things are eternal, endless; while the visible world is transitory.

Unlike the Time Traveller, I believe that rather than being a linear line where you have only the past and the present, Time surrounds the other dimensions of space which because they are visible belong to the class of transitory elements – they are bound to get exhausted  and  to pass away.

Time is invisible;  thus, it is eternal. Every man and woman who wears the visible human body knows that the body will only live in a portion of the time resource which is very limited in comparison to the unlimited and inexhaustible resource that Time represents. The visible body which we see has restricted access to an average of 75 years  out of Time's  endless and inextinguishable expanse. When the earth body which is visible exhausts its allotment of the Time resource, it releases the invisible part of the man or woman – the part of the human  person which is eternal.

My conclusion is that God is not a time traveller who has access to only the past and present and cannot control his movement through the futuristic and historical realms. God owns Time. He is the Alpha and Omega; the beginning and end. His motion in Time is not linear. He can create time and stop time; He can even shorten Time and lengthen it for that matter. He controls all the dimensions of Space. He can reposition them and defy the laws of gravity [Jesus did and so did Elijah, and Enoch. In the case of the floating axe head, was it a defiance of gravity or  control of the laws of magnetism?] Truth is, God is the quintessential Time Traveller of all time.

When Jesus came down to earth, he came to demonstrate that human beings can operate like the Godhead. He said, if you have faith as little as mustard seed, you can command an inanimate object - a mountain - to be repositioned in time and space and it is bound to obey. He said we can do greater works than He did. We can also control time and make it work for us. We can  also shorten time, lengthen it and stop it by Faith.  Prophets constantly reach into the future to prepare people to face the future and to be prepared and in control.
May 14, 2011.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Crossing the Threshhold

For the better part of a week now, the Church body has been praying for a manifestation of the miraculous in our midst. We, by His Grace, have tried to maintain an unbroken prayer chain of 12 hours of prayers a day, from 12 midnight to 12 noon daily.

 While praying one of those mornings, God laid some things on my heart, which I felt I needed to share with the Body.

How can we hope to cross the threshold – move from the physical to the spiritual and miraculous  realm without FAITH?  Without faith, it  is impossible to please God and fundamentally, we cannot escape the fact that the Just shall, [and must] live by faith.  [Hebrews 10:38]].

Where  does that leave us? Let us look at the definition of faith is in the scriptures. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” [Hebrews 11:1]  Faith is the bridge with which you can cross from the physical to the spiritual realm; the realm of the miraculous.

To experience the miraculous, to step over the threshold of the physical into the realm of the miraculous, you must synchronise your heartbeat with the heartbeat of God. You must act on blind faith like Peter did when in a raging storm on a dark night, he took (what on the physical realm would be) a suicidal step; he stepped into the sea.  For  a brief and blind  moment in time he acted by faith. He synchronised his heartbeat with the heartbeat of his master Jesus; for one brief moment in time, faith operated in him to such a level that he took the plunge into nothingness… regardless.. because he had his eyes riveted on Jesus. [ Mathew 14: 29].

For you to step into the realm of the miraculous, there must exist a synchronicity between thought, word and action. It is our thought [processes], our thinking that becomes pregnant and bears the fruit of the word.  It is when you sow the word  and act based on these seed-words that the miraculous will manifest in the physical. In the Holy Trinity, the son does nothing outside of what he sees the father do. There is unity. No divisions between the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. For the miraculous to manifest, there must be  unity between thought, word and action. As a man thinks, so he is.

How did Peter connect so perfectly with the Master that he could take the plunge into a bottomless, raging sea  on a dark stormy night. Imagine the scenario; re-enact it in your mind – this was a stark, raving mad decision to take. But Peter connected with the master; at that moment, he crossed the threshold into the miraculous. What would have been considered the action of  a lunatic in the physical realm  became a miracle.

I said earlier that,  to experience the miraculous, to step over the threshold of the physical into the realm of the miraculous, you must synchronise your heartbeat with the heartbeat of God. What is the heartbeat of God? His heartbeat is his will, his desire, his purpose. You must become God’s love, His confidant. He must develop confidence in you to reveal his innermost thoughts to you. Then you will have connected with God as Peter did with Jesus and you can move from operating in the physical to operations in the spiritual and miraculous realm. When you synchronise with the heartbeat of God, connect with God, then you will “prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2B)

Are you ready to take the plunge? Don’t take  a dive into the ocean at Bar Beach. Start with the little everyday things and build on your faith in the Lord.

Arit Oku,  January 26, 2006